
White Globe provides fast and professional materials science translation services in over 350 languages. We help materials science and engineering companies achieve international success across linguistic and cultural barriers, one accurately translated materials science document at a time.

Accurate Materials Science Translation You Can Trust

Are you a materials science and engineering company working with international customers and need to translate your technical documents with quality and speed in Spanish, Hindi, Chinese, or German? Then look no further than White Globe.

We provide expert materials science translation services in over 350 languages. White Globe has one of the largest teams of professional translators with the right domain expertise to accurately translate materials science content involving applied chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering disciplines with speed. Our next-gen, platform and language translation technology supports translation memory and terminology management in real time, allowing our materials science customers to obtain high quality technical document translation and localization with fast turnaround time, at reduced cost.

Consistent and quality materials science translations on a continuous basis goes well beyond just linguistic experience, it also requires subject matter expertise, localization best practices, and modern translation technologies that harness the best abilities of machine-human solutions. This is where White Globe excels.

We combine the best linguistic resources the language industry has to offer with AI-powered translation technologies to deliver unrivalled localization performance for all areas of the materials science industry. We translate technical content for range of new materials innovations like graphene, transparent alumina, metamaterials, or materials testing with quality and speed.

We Translate All Materials Science Disciplines and Applications

Many of White Globe professional materials science linguists are former chemists by trade or have specialized experience translating scientific content in the chemical, applied physics, biomedical, and engineering fields to deliver the highest level of linguistic and technical accuracy. White Globe provides expert multilingual localization solutions for the following materials science applications and products.

  • Materials testing translation
  • Metal’s manufacturing translation
  • Ceramics and rubber translations
  • Coatings and paints translation
  • Biological polymers localization
  • Composite’s translation
  • Superconducting materials localization
  • Graphite materials translation
  • Integrated-circuit chips translation
  • Fuel cells localization
  • Biodegradable plastics translation
  • Lithium battery translations
  • Solar cell localization
Nanotechnology Translation Services

Nanoscience is now at the forefront of modern engineering and advanced manufacturing by taking advantage of new and innovative materials that harness unique physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of molecules and atoms. Nanotechnology plays a major role in next generation multi-core semiconductors, 5G networks, super magnets for self-driving cars, and AI powered IoTs. As an important branch of materials science, nanotechnology promises tremendous business potential globally as new product opportunities and consumer applications are developed to meet international customer demands. This is why you need White Globe.

Our professional materials science translation services cover all major areas of the latest nanotechnology developments so companies can scale business success in all international markets.

Materials Testing Translation

White Globe has in-depth experience translating materials testing solutions, technologies, and equipment in all American, Asian and European languages. We have a large team of multilingual materials science linguists with specialized trainings in chemistry, physics, and mechanical engineering fields. Our professional linguists and multilingual subject matter experts are skilled at translating a variety of materials testing applications and equipment for a range of engineering strength testing such tensile, fatigue, hardness, impact, and heat tolerance. We translate software user interface strings, online help, and user manuals.

White Globe owns a large database of multilingual materials science terms in all major languages so our linguistic team can consistently and accurately translate technical content with quality and speed.

Advanced Materials Translation

Is your company involved with designing, developing, and testing advanced semiconductors, biomaterials, smart materials, and nano engineered materials? Chances are you need a variety of technical, marketing, and eLearning content translated between English and Japanese, English and French, and English and Dutch, and many other languages.

White Globe provides technical translation services covering the development, extraction, and fabrication of advanced materials so our clients can confidently engage international customers across linguistic barriers and grow business globally. We have multilingual subject matter experts who are skilled at translating a variety of technical content such as patents, user manuals, and scientific reports for graphene, carbon nanotubes, superalloys, amorphous metals.

Coating Materials Translation

White Globe helps it’s clients translate product information and marketing collateral for a range of coating materials such metals, alloys, ceramics, paints, adhesives, and more. We have experience translating coating product documentation for technology, application, process, and safety instructions between English and Spanish, English and Vietnamese, English and German, and many other languages.

White Globe owns one of the largest multilingual terminology databases containing popular coating materials related terms and jargons, allowing our professional linguists to accurately translate your technical content with confidence and speed.

Thermodynamics Translation Services

White Globe offers quality thermal dynamics translation services as part of our professional materials science localization. Thermodynamics is an interdisciplinary field that shares much of the same scientific and engineering properties of applied chemistry, applied physics, and mechanical engineering. White Globe has a large team professional in-country native linguists and subject matter experts to help our clients translate thermodynamics documents with linguistic accuracy and technical precision.
Whether you need you SOPs (standard operating procedures), training manuals, website, or sales & marketing literature translated, we have the linguistic resources, best-in-class processes, and cutting-edge language technologies to get the job right every time.

Materials Patent Translation

Are you developing the latest super materials such as graphene, lithium-ion batteries, or ultra-conducting metals and need to protect your intellectual property rights in international markets? Then you have found the perfect language service partner to translate your PCT patents for international registration under the Paris Convention.

White Globe helps materials science companies localize a variety technology patents in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, and many other languages so organizations can confidently grow business worldwide while protecting their inventions.

In today’s highly competitive technology-driven global economy, materials science breakthroughs have major impact across medicine, super-computing, alternative energy, transportation, and future smart cities. This is why international IP protection can prove to be a winning factor for established materials science companies or start-ups alike to stay ahead of the competition.

Chemical Translation Services

Chemistry is inherently related to materials science because chemical properties and structures of molecules and atoms form the fundamental building blocks of matter and materials. As part of our professional materials science translation services, White Globe provides expert language translation solutions for the chemical industry, including chemical engineering and chemical manufacturing in all major American, African , European and Asian languages.
Many of our chemical translators are former chemists or trained technicians in the chemistry field to deliver the most accurate translation results.

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