DTP Quality Assurance

DTP Quality Assurance is a process which consists of monitoring detailed specific project results to ascertain if they comply with relevant quality standards and community guidelines and constantly seeking ways to eliminate causes of any unsatisfactory or undesired performance.

When the Quality Assurance tester checks the layout of the file stream, it applies strict guidelines, language and translation, specific details like the headers and footers, titles, numbering and graphics, and keeping an updated table, indexes, references etc.

The primary or standard list for Software Quality Assurance checks involves these activities:

Fonts and the size of the text are correct.

Formatting paragraphs.

Check if the alignment is proper and the paper size and type are the same.

Check for spaces before commas, periods, and double spacing.

If there are tables – the rows and columns should match the source.

Checking the positioning and size of lines.

The pictures included must compare the source.

Check for missing parts and sentences.

Check that the links contained are updated.

Check margins and borders.

Complications in Software Quality Assurance and Desktop Publishing

Complications in Software quality assurance or desktop publishing processes usually occur because of incomplete information or knowledge. Everyone wants to submit high-quality work to their clients, but sometimes, even the best of us make assumptions regarding the finished product or project. People often get away with these assumptions because they replicate our standard procedures or steps. However, they usually consist of conventional layouts or other wild specifics entirely out of our imagination when they don’t.

Delivering an individualized translated product

Delivering an individualized quality assurance or desktop publishing project is an ideal chance to deliver high-quality and customer-specific personalized results. Providing top-quality work and achieving the set goals and targets with no hitches allows you to incorporate these experiences and also allows you to learn from the mistakes.

Other common translation customization

When performing quality assurance and quality control tests on a DTP document, it is essential to get the complete details from the client about various known points of confusion. For example, whether or not the client expects to receive a final print-ready document. They may assume beforehand that you deliver such documents as a regular procedure. However, getting a print-ready document involves DTP, an extra process above and beyond standard quality assurance.

It is easy for your client to assume already that they will be getting their translation print-ready without informing you of the necessary details; meanwhile, we might consider not getting a document print-ready unless the client gives specific details or shares his concept; on what they are trying to achieve. It is a tricky way for the client to save their costs. This is a crucial way to learn about translation services, talk to the client about this issue and educate them regarding everything necessary about the differences between desktop publishing and basic quality assurance.

Desktop publishing and the page match issue

People also generally encounter the issue of runner match: should a restated document have the same content on the same runner number as the original, and how long should the restated interpretation of the document be exactly? This becomes incredibly frustrating when a target language (Like Chinese or Mandarin) expands or contracts (they generally expand) significantly on English.

Illustrations and other non-linguistic rudiments aren’t pure from confusion either. For illustration, an infographic in the original may be resolved across two facing runners. However, the client might expect the translation agency to consolidate it to a single runner or vice versa. They may want an added caption or wish a caption removed. Some clients may also prefer to leave the original caption as it was.

Software Quality Assurance Vs Desktop Publishing? Know the difference

Software Quality assurance is an essential introduction process that we perform on every restatement that might come through a company. It involves a side-by-side comparison of the restated textbook to the original. When carrying out our quality assurance protocols, remember to match textbook blocks and distance, punctuation, callouts (rudiments similar to pull quotations, boxes, pellets, arrows, etc.), runner figures, and other crucial rudiments.

Basically, in quality assurance, we ensure the restatement matches the original.

Not so important in terms of the factual language — a professional proofreader will formerly have done that check. Software Quality Assurance is generally less used than Desktop Publishing; the process does require sharp attention to detail on the part of the Software Quality Assurance specialists.

Desktop publishing, in discrepancy, is a much more thorough process and comprises all the rudiments we’ve formerly bandied about in this article. This value-added service helps when a customer needs it the most. Also, keep in mind that Desktop Publishing demands that a design be ready for the printer. Apart from the egregious Quality Assurance enterprises, DTP entails layout, typographic alignment, correct train type, and much more.


Ans: DTP Quality Assurance is a process which consists of monitoring detailed specific project results to ascertain if they comply with relevant quality standards and community guidelines and constantly seeking ways to eliminate causes of any unsatisfactory or undesired performance.

Ans: Desktop Publishing (DTP) is a crucial component of print and digital translation. DTP refers to the creation and layout of documents consisting of a personal computer instead of a commercial design or a printing setup. DTP uses customized software to create forms and produce printed and digital materials.

Ans: Quality assurance (QA) is a systematic process that helps determine whether a product or service meets the client’s specified requirements. Quality Assurance establishes and maintains specific requirements for developing or manufacturing reliable products.

Ans: Desktop Publishing (DTP) is the creation of documents or pages using page layout software on a personal computer. It was initially used almost exclusively for printing publications, but now it has also started to assist in creating various forms of online content.