Content Created for Local Audiences on a Global Scale

Your trusted partner in creating hard-hitting content that resonates with your global customers in more industries than anyone else.

Get The Right Message To The Right Audience From The Start

As your Language Support Agency, we bring your message to life. Our in-market content creation services teams equip you with the experts you need to create culturally relevant content primed for superior translation, localization, or transcreation, ready to reach global markets from the start.

White Globe’s body of work in Content Creation and Technical Writing has included the following:

1. End-User Documentation: Almost every product you purchase has a written explanation of operation. These “how-to” pieces are written to help users understand and operate products correctly. After all, what good is a product if users don’t know how to use it properly? Since end-user documentation requires clear and concise instruction, it’s important to create content that breaks down technological terms into layman’s terms. Specific examples of the end-user documentation we delivered are as follows:

User Help Guides: Our team created user help guides for software product users. These were written to provide clear and sensible answers to common questions that may develop as use of software programs continues. User help guides were broken down into sections depending on the type of ‘help’ needed, allowing users to read ahead or re-read information to strengthen their understanding of the product. The user help guide was localized in German, French, Russian, Spanish, and Italian.

Product Manuals: Our team has created product manuals and small booklets highlighting the product’s main features, general maintenance, and essential operation. We have created product manuals for many Consumer Durable, Automobile and Heavy Engineering companies like owner’s manuals for cars, operator’s manuals for heavy machinery and product manuals for consumer durable products like AC, refrigerators, etc., and localized them in European and Indian Languages.

Assembly Guidelines: Since assembly guidelines tell users how to physically set up a product, our technical writers are responsible for writing clear and user-friendly step-by-step instructions. They create content and write instructions to ensure users can accurately assemble products. We have created multi-lingual DIY video guides and assembly documents for furniture and sports equipment manufacturers.

Technical Books: Our team has created guides for users to understand the ins and outs of a product, similar to user help guides. We have written and localized technical books for software products like (Anti-virus), Utility software, Hardware (Routers, Modems) etc. and localised them in Asian Languages.

Technical Marketing Content: We have created technical marketing content to serve as a bridge for products, consumers, and businesses to understand each other. We have provided service to Industrial manufacturers for Boilers, Heaters, Excavators, Material Handling Equipment etc., and localized the content in Asian and Indian regional languages.

White Papers and Case Studies: Our team has written White papers for leading Management Consultancy firms to highlight their success with certain services by investigating problematic topics of a specific audience and integrating them with the Management Consultancy’s service to offer solutions. We have also written case studies providing details of how an account’s business goals were met with the help of a product in Asian and European languages.

Proposals and Pitches: We have written many proposals and pitches with the specification for collaboration or solution, including critical executive summary elements, to create a pitch. We have written many proposals and responded to RFPs for leading software companies and system integrators.

Brochures: We have created brochures detailing technical specifications and communication. Brochures designed by us have taken our customers’ users to a deeper level of understanding and appeal through clear descriptions, functions, and uses of their products.