Engage International Audiences with the Best eLearning Translation and Localization

The world’s leading multinational companies rely on White Globe enterprise eLearning, L&D, and LMS translation services and solutions to most effectively teach and train international employees, partners, and customers in all languages.

End-to-End E-learning Localization

Are you looking for a fast and professional translation service to localize your enterprise eLearning courses and video training materials to train your international human resource in French, Brazilian Portuguese, and Simplified Chinese? Then you’ve come to the right place.

We help major businesses in IT, medical, financial, automotive, and manufacturing industries translate their eLearning content and L&D programs with the highest level of linguistic quality and technical accuracy, while at the same time ensuring the most appropriate cultural experience.

We make it easy for multinational enterprises to achieve brand success in global markets by educating international audiences fluently in all foreign languages.

White Globe has both the localization industry know-how and the best, agile eLearning translation technology to ensure all of your enterprise training courses, interactive learning tutorials, how-to guides, and self-teaching videos are translated with speed and cost-effectiveness.

Professional eLearning translation requires more than just linguistic expertise, it also mandates the language services partner to possess deep knowledge and experience in interactive multimedia processing, video editing, multilingual voiceover, and software programming.

This is why you need White Globe, the language industry leader for all-around and end-to-end eLearning translation and localization solutions.

Enterprise LMS Meets Agile Translations

Enterprise Learning Management Systems (LMS) have come a long way since the early Flash era, partially driven by increased sophistications of customer learning requirements and expectations, as well as the advancement of modern platform computing, AI, HTML5, and the mobile evolution.

Ultrafast development cycles and simultaneous launches across all languages make it a challenge for traditional translation services to meet modern, agile eLearning translation needs.

This is why you need White Globe, a leading provider of on-demand enterprise learning translation services across all business channels and devices.

White Globe is one of the leading agile translation service providers to support all new economy translation models such as just-in-time translation, real-time translation, continuous translation, and mobile translation. We also provide customized learning translation solutions via APIs for continuous and agile delivery. Talk to us today for your enterprise learning translation needs.

eLearning Video Translations

Learning professionals worldwide have consistently rated video as one of the most effective training options due to its storytelling and demonstrative capabilities. Online video is increasingly the medium of choice for corporate training and customer eLearning programs. However, video translations go beyond the abilities of ordinary translation service providers.

You’ve spent both time and money developing your English training videos, and the last thing you want is to localize your eLearning videos with less than perfect quality.

White Globe’s video translation solutions dramatically simplify professional eLearning video localization for the best results. Just provide us the link to your video and tell us the target languages, White Globe will take care of the rest.

Our automated online translation platform streamlines the entire video translation workflow by automatically transcribing audio into text, translating it with our professional translators, and then creating subtitles or recording voiceover with our in-country voice talents.

SCORM Online Learning Translated Right

Are you developing training courses in SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model)? Then you’ve found the perfect localization partner for translating your SCORM packages so your online training content can be deployed seamlessly in all European and Asian languages.

White Globe’s platform-powered eLearning translation solutions are purposely designed to integrate with your existing learning management systems (such as Docebo and LearnUpon) and authoring tools (such as Articulate and Adobe Captivate, RoboHelp) for the most streamlined online learning localization processes.

White Globe can automatically process SCO (Sharable Content Object) files to save both time and money while delivering the best linguistic output using professionally trained translators. Our intelligent video localization platform is able to transcribe voiceover in real time so our linguists can review and translate the content with the highest accuracy and fastest speed. White Globe has experience developing customized solutions using APIs to create fully automated SCORM based eLearning translation solutions.

Better Localization

White Globe has redefined language translations to be agile, versatile, and forward-looking, across all content channels on both desktop computers and mobile devices. White Globe has great experience translating your learning courses with speed and quality.

Better yet, we offer customized solutions that integrate with APIs for a fully automated translation workflow to improve localization efficiency with reduced costs. Talk to our customer success managers today to find out how White Globe can raise your eLearning translation performance to a higher level of success around the world.

We Work with All eLearning Authoring Tools

At White Globe, we have an expert team of interactive multimedia professionals and multilingual publishers who have in-depth experience working with all major eLearning authoring tools including Adobe Captivate, Articulate, Lectora, iSpring, Moodle, Docebo, and more.

White Globe also has custom solutions to connect to 3rd party authoring tools via APIs for a fully automated eLearning translation workflow. Contact us today for customized eLearning translation solutions.

eLearning Translation in 350 Languages

White Globe has professional native translators, voiceover talents, and subject matter experts in over 350 languages. We can localize your eLearning materials with quality and speed in all major languages.

mLearning Meets Mobile Translation

Mobile devices are fast, ubiquitous, and convenient which makes them an ideal platform for enterprise learning. With modern responsive interface designs, most enterprise training programs now support mobile learning or mLearning.

White Globe is one of leading mobile translation platform so we understand how mLearning works better than any other translation company.

We streamline all your L&D Localisation Resources

Multinational companies operating globally need effective translation solutions to deliver multilingual eLearning programs and training courses to international employees and customers alike.

However, eLearning localization requires more than just simple text translation. Quality training localization requires your translation partner to have well-rounded knowledge about language, culture, and modern eLearning authoring technology and tools.

This is why you need White Globe to help streamline your eLearning localization for a high-impact, cost-effective, always-on-time training solution. With our linguistic experiences, voiceover talents, multimedia, and programming skills, White Globe can help you create and deliver culturally appropriate L&D programs and training materials across the web, mobile, and a variety of other training platforms.

Distance Learning Courses Translated Right

The online education market is forecast to grow exponentially as Generation Z and those born after 2000 are increasingly accustomed to distance learning using online courses.

This presents tremendous opportunities for educational institutions and eLearning businesses that develop online courses to target prospective distance learners and students.

Whether you’re developing your courses using Coursera, FutureLearn, EdX, or a customized learning development platform, White Globe has the right localization solutions to translate your distance learning courses with quality and speed

On-Demand eLearning Translation

Translating eLearning materials effectively requires both linguistic quality and fast turnaround times. Too often, clients are forced to wait for days before the simplest translation requests are completed. However, in today’s fast changing digital economy, eLearning development is becoming more agile and increasingly taking place at faster speeds. This is why translation services must modernize to catch up to the digital times. Driven by our mobile powered Big Translation solutions, White Globe delivers the fastest professional translation and voiceover services for all your eLearning translation needs.

We Support Your eLearning Tools

We work with most popular eLearning authoring tools such as Articulate, Captivate, PowerPoint, Lectora Inspire, Elucidat, Camtasia, and H5P. We can translate with your exported text and return translated content, or work directly with your native authoring files for an end-to-end localization solution.

Additionally, our eLearning team also works on video captioning, subtitling, voiceover synchronization, and localized course testing. Since we do most of the interactive and multimedia work in Asia and India, we are able to provide the most competitive solutions.

Instructional Design Services

In addition to eLearning translation services, White Globe also provides training development support for our global clients. Specifically, we offer Instructional design services that include project requirement briefs, storyboard development, graphic design, and animation creation for both desktop and mobile learning.

White Globe’s globalization experiences allows our team to design and develop training courses that resonate with your international audience both linguistically and culturally.

Video Localization

Compared to text based eLearning and training materials, educational videos have the advantage of using visuals (images, animations) combined with audio for a much more effective learning experience. Today’s business information about products and services is inherently visual. Video based eLearning courses are better at capturing the nuances of concepts, body language, and context that would be hard to convey with text content only.

This is why video eLearning has been growing exponentially (just check the number new eLearning videos added to YouTube every day.) The rapid development of video based eLearning also presents challenges for translation and localization.

This is because translating video is outside the scope of conventional text-based translation management systems (TMS). It requires language service providers (LSPs) with both linguistic and video production experiences for quality and efficiency.

At White Globe, we have the end-to-end video localization solutions from technically accurate and culturally appropriate translations to video editing, voiceover, multilingual captioning and more. We work with all industry standard video editing software so your video translation needs for international customer and employee trainings are always met and your expectations exceeded.

Certified Translation Quality

White Globe eLearning translation services consistently deliver accurate and eloquent training courses in over 350 languages that help our customers achieve greater international business success. Our translation processes are ISO 9001 certified and we consistently achieve high quality localization results because we use expert, professional native translators with the right subject matter expertise to translate all of your educational content.

When it comes to accurately translated training courses, having only linguistic skills is not enough. White Globe has invested heavily in linguistic resource management so we can always put the most qualified linguists with the perfect subject matter experience to work on your eLearning translations.

We further support our linguists with real-time terminology processing and dynamic linguistic QA while they’re translating, resulting in significant productivity and quality gains.

White Globe Provides:
  • Extremely fast project turnaround
  • Unprecedented translation scalability
  • Digital content and social media translation adept
  • Higher quality with bilingual subject matter experts
  • Competitive service through efficiency
  • Mobile translation enabled

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